Japan has given me loads of things, but more than anything Japan has given me an excuse to write. I’ve written for NaNoWriMo, I’ve written for my own role-playing blog www.risingpheonixgames.com (now managing a post a week) and I’ve written a little on this blog. At the moment I’m busy writing another module for UPCON, the University of Pretoria’s annual role-playing, animé and games convention. I thought I’d take a break from that to tell you about an exciting writing project I’ve started and am hoping to grow in the coming year and a bit…
Now, most of you know I love fantasy (and hence fantasy role-playing games). I’ve learnt that many of my students also love fantasy (many have tried to read Harry Potter in English), and so I thought a great way to help them learn was to create some reading material for them (win for me, win for them). Enter Bobbin the Goblin. Bobbin lives in my recently created world of Avernos, in the Dead Wood forest (well, it’s a safer version than in the RPG setting anyway). He’ll be having a load of misadventures and will hopefully find his place in the spot light as my writing improves and more people learn about him.
Head on over to http://goblinbobbin.blogspot.jp/ to read the latest Bobbin stories. Feel free to say hi by leaving a comment.