I’m a big collectible card game fan, but I have piles of Magic the Gathering decks and swaps lying around that I’d love to get more life out of. I also have a bunch of friends who don’t collect Magic cards, but who might still be interested in playing if I can kit them out with a deck or two. Here’s my simple solution for resurrecting your MtG collection.

First up, gather all your decks, ideally in deck boxes. Build more decks with the rest of your cards — it’s okay if they’re not tournament winning decks. The point is to have a bunch of different decks, so play around with as many variations as you can think of.
Now, line the decks up on a shelf, in order of what you figure is worst to best.
Invite friends over to play. Each player gets one deck from a group of decks sitting next to each other on that shelf. When you’re done playing, put the decks back in order from worst to best.
In this way, your decks get sorted as you play, making it easy to grab a bunch of comparable decks for a level playing field.
More Ideas
That’s my idea, but there are tons of ideas out there:
- Play solo games, which are a great way to test out a new deck concept.
- Build your own booster packs and play booster draft.
- Make a collage. Seriously! My bro cut out all the art from his commons and covered his door with them. It was awesome.
- Gift extra cards to friends who don’t play. It’s a great way to get new players into the hobby, but be warned — making a crappy deck for your friend is a good way to get them frustrated. Build something that can win amongst your group of friends.
- Pass your extra cards on to your local gaming store. If they sell commons then it’s one way to say thanks to them and keep your favorite store going.
Have any other ideas for resurrecting your MtG collection? Share them in the comments below.
Rodney Sloan
Rising Phoenix Games
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