Tag Archives: HeroClix

Tell Us What You Want!

I’ve been chatting to Bob of Figment Factory — who created our HeroGridz tiles — about doing a second set of sewer tiles. I want to reach out to you to find out what you’d like to see added, what themes you’d like covered and your general thoughts on the new line. Drop a comment here or hit us up on Facebook, Twitter or Google+. We’d love to hear from you.

We’ve also made it easier to collect HeroGridz tiles. Now you can buy individually printed tiles from One Bookshelf sites. Need an extra T-Junction? Just buy what you need, without having to buy another core set. We’ll be adding straight sections and junction/entrance tiles later in the month.

You can also check out our 1 inch tile line, I’d love to put more sets of those out if there’s much interest.

Surfin’ the Tube!

Hello hello hello!
We’ve just moved AND started this game publishing thing for reals. It’s exciting and a wee bit scary — but life on the edge always is. Awesome!

We’re super excited about HeroGridz, our new clix scale map tiles. I LOVE minis and miniature gaming, but I haven’t found many map options for my clix collections, especially modular sewer systems, so I got some made. I spoke to Bob from the Figment Factory, and he put together some awesome tiles. You can grab the Core Set on Drive Thru RPG — check ’em out!

Bob and I are working on some other things too, so watch this space.

Why Do You Play?

Why  do you play games? Do you play because it’s a reason to do something with friends? Is it because you love the challenge? Maybe it’s the pure escapism?

Personally I think it’s a little bit of everything for me, but mostly it’s the escapism. Yesterday I picked up a few Marvel HeroClix figures, including Spider-Man and Iron-Man. Today I played a quick battle by myself and just enjoyed imagining the action.

Continue reading Why Do You Play?

Marvel Avengers – the Awesome and the Facebook Fail

The Awesome

I’m very excited about the upcoming Marvel Avengers movie, not because I particularly like the Avengers, but I just generally love Marvel. While I’m not the biggest collector out there, I’ve been a Spider-Man, X-Men and X-Force fan since I was a little kid.

I also love that Marvel HeroClix has a Marvel HeroClix Avengers set, which I think forms part of the restarting of the HeroClix line in general. South Africa even has a HeroClix site of our own and I’m really wishing I was there for some of the events. HeroClix, if you have not played it, is a neat skirmish tabletop war game that does a really good job of recreating the comics. In fact, in July last year I had a chance to play with some veterans and came to see just how meaty this game is, and I’d be the last to pass it off as a second rate game compared to something like Warhammer 40K.


Avengers Facebook Fail

I have a love hate relationship with Farcebook, I mean Facebook, but this time the blame falls squarely on the crooked shoulders of Playdom, a game company that produced Marvel Avengers Alliance.

On the surface the game is great: you get to play a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent who coordinates the Avengers against some of the greatest Marvel villains of all time. Sure, you get more out of the game if you have gold, which you pay for with real money, but that’s okay, we as gamers are used to that. The problem is that you can loose gold through glitches and server disconnections. If people pay money and loose it due to a glitch, you can bet they will be angry. I’ve lost gold myself, along with a number of buffs I’d picked up through playing, which annoyed me more than a string of bad dice rolls. What I really didn’t like was that I had recommended the game early on to other Marvel fans. What do I look like now, I wonder?



Almost a month on and I’m still getting thrown out, even with the latest version of Flash. It seems like only us PC users are suffering, from those I’ve asked. It’s surprising that I’ve stayed around so long.

A familiar sight on Avengers Alliance
An all too familiar sight on Avengers Alliance.


It seems, according to Playdom.com’s forum, that the issue with disconnects has been fixed. I have not been able to confirm this yet, but I’ll update you if I hear more. Of course, this is a popular game so there will be a heavy load on the server. Just be warned, is all I’m saying. You might be a lot safer playing HeroClix Online.