Role-playing is important.
I’m not going into it now, but, partly, it’s about relationships.
Many of us have spent hours role-playing with groups of friends, but couples can have just as much fun rolling dice and creating shared stories together.
Role-playing for two provides a uniquely creative, shared experience that’s hard to find elsewhere.
My wife and I have played several campaigns together. She loves a great story just as much as I do, and we’ve found that RPGs are a great way to spend time together and hang out with friends.
A while back, we started playing an undersea campaign. Just the two of us. She played a mermaid, while I GMed.
It was a blast.
But, for some reason, it took a lot of effort.
We never finished the game, and I have to ask… was it worth it?
I realize it took effort because, like anything worthwhile, it takes planning, commitment, and sacrifice to keep a game going. We had to make the effort to play, instead of taking the easy option and watching a movie.
We probably could, if we were 100% honest, have made the time to play.
But it was worth it.
Any chance for me to get closer to my wife, to understand her, is worth it.
When we played, I got to see inside her head in a way that I never could elsewhere. We created a shared world, with shared adventures.
And there was no audience.
It was our private little wonderland.
And every part of the adventure was tailored to suit our tastes. If it didn’t, it was a chance to talk about and learn what those tastes were. (Apparently, she’s not keen on gory monster encounters. Good to know.)
Would I run a game, just for her, again?
Yes, totally!
There’s even a Jane Austin RPG that could make for a really fun, romance filled game.
And, if you’re looking for adventures that support role-playing for two, then check out our Choose Your Destiny line, which is built for 1-on-1 and solo play.
Death Queen and the Life Stone is the first book in the series, followed by Forest of Secrets. You can support our Patreon to subscribe to the series and get the third book when it comes out.
Rodney Sloan
Rising Phoenix Games
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