News at last! I finally got an email from my supervisor, and it’s the news we’ve been hoping for. Both of us will be working in the city of Shibukawa! It also looks like we’ll get a place somewhere between our two main schools, within walking distance for both of us. Between Julz and I we will be covering at least 3 of the 4 high schools in Shibukawa!
Shibukawa is known as the belly button of Japan, because it’s smack dab in the centre of Japan. It is in the centre of Gunma prefecture and around 120 km from Tokyo. It has a population of 84,160 and an area of 240.42 km2, compared to Pretoria, where we are from, with a population of 2,345,908 and an area of 1,644 km2. Most of Shibukawa is covered in farmland or forest.
You can find out more about Shibukawa here.
Word for the Day
Kora: a very important word to remember, especially for those who enjoy the black and bubbly. Kora means cola, so you could order a coke by saying: “Kora onegaishimasu,” or “kora o kudasai.” The katakana for kora is ??? (Thanks SR).
Site of the Day
The site of the day has to be Google Translate. If only I could download it to my laptop.