Companionable Darkness, the third adventure in our Choose Your Destiny series, is here!
Written by Thomas Davis, the adventure sets you off on a journey as the minder for the aged wizard Kelim. Things soon start to unravel though, and you’ll have to work hard to save the day.

Companionable Darkness is a solo adventure for a 1st—3rd level cleric or paladin, compatible with the fifth edition rules of the world’s oldest roleplaying game. This is our largest adventure yet, clocking in at 64 entries (including the intro and conclusion) over 45 pages, with new player options for the barbarian and bard classes. A successful run should take you around half an hour, if you don’t fall foul of the traps and monsters that lie in wait. The More Adventure section allows you to extend the game far beyond that, as you work to protect the caravan you’re travelling with from the many dangers on the road.
Companionable Darkness is also the first book we’re publishing with the help of our Patreon patrons, who apart from supporting us also helped with playtesting. It’s amazing to have the support of fans, to whom I’m truly grateful. We had solid input from a number of people, which you’ll see evident in the book.
Like our other solo adventures, Companionable Darkness is set in the world of Scarthey, but you don’t need to be familiar with the setting to play. This adventure continues on from Death Queen and Forest of Secrets, but you don’t need to have played those to enjoy this latest adventure, since a brief synopsis is provided.
Archchancellor Gwydion Ambrosius has sent for you,
personally. He asks you to accompany a senior reader of
the University of Scarthey on a journey through dangerous
lands. Gwydion fears for the old wizard, whose frayed mind
has suffered through the study of dark arts. Can you protect
the wizard, your companions, and the wagon train you’re
travelling with, or will darkness consume you all?
Companionable Darkness is available on Drive Thru RPG,, the Open Gaming Store, and our very own web store. Subscribe to our Patreon to be the first to get the next adventure in the series
Aurora’s Whole Realms Autumn Catalogue
Aurora’s Whole Realms Autumn Catalogue is the second seasonal guide we’ve published, casting true resurrection on Aurora’s Whole Realms Catalogue, that gem from 2nd edition D&D. Our take on the classic offers new items for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons, with a focus on flavour and roleplaying rather than mechanics and usefulness in combat — you’re not likely to win a battle wielding mammoth ribs, after all.

The 50-page catalogue offers the following sections:
- Another Word from Our Founder
- Equipment Packs
- Fall Fashion
- Food and Drink
- Games and Toys
- Highharvestide Traveling Gear
- Household Sundries
- Minor Magical Marvels
- Scents of Fall
- Seasonal Delights
- Highharvestide Tools
- Cooking Corner
You won’t find anything to improve your character’s damage output, but you’ll find plenty of unique items to add some flavorful fun to your games set in Faerun or anywhere else.
You can find the Autumn Catalogue here, and the older Summer Catalogue here.
Till next time, play good games!
Rodney Sloan
Rising Phoenix Games
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